Exponentially Smooth
HA⁵® Rejuvenating Hydrator supports the skin’s ability to replenish its own hyaluronic acid (HA) for overall skin health. HA⁵® Rejuvenating Hydrator has a proprietary mix of five HA forms that smooth the skin, thereby decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The 5 HA's work synergistically to provide immediate smoothing and continuous hydration throughout the day.
Before & After
15 Minutes
Male, Age 63. Unretouched photos taken with parallel-polarized lighting. Individual results may vary. For 15-Minute results, product was left on subject’s face.
15 Minutes
Female, Age 50. Unretouched photos taken with parallel-polarized lighting. Individual results may vary. For 8-Week results, no product on subject's face.